Dr. Konde from UNECA visits Semiconductor Technologies Limited

August 23, 2023

Semiconductor Technologies Limited the first semiconductor technologies company in sub-saharan Africa. It is de-risking the supply of semiconductors materials to the global supply chain in response to realization across the globe, following COVID 19  of the risks inherent in relying on single sources of critical materials and disruption of production.

Catalyzing development of mineral resources extraction beneficiation.It is involved in developing critical mass of highly specialized human resources required in the semiconductor industry.

It has semiconductor laboratories in the Dedan Kimathi Science and Technology Park in DeKUT ,Nyeri.The Labs were commissioned (opened in April 2021).STL has build the capacity to manufacture STL manufacturing machines.They launched the first such machine in December 2022.

The company has employed over 80 engineers of which 70% are women and 70% of the workforce is below 30 years old.It is a showcase of how the diaspora can contribute to the transformation of Africa. SQL started as a US company.Using the Origin platform it has extended its partners network of partner recognition and through participation in the  UN Africa.  
