Dr. Moses Ochora making a presentation in Addis Ababa during the 2nd forum for Alliance for Entrepreneurial Universities in Africa

About the project

Research shows that in Uganda alone, 1.6Million babies are born annually. Of these new born babies, 60% get neonatal jaundice with 23% of them requiring treatment via phototherapy. As a result of inadequate treatment more than 40,000 die annually while 60% get long-term complications.  Research indicates that only 12% of the babies receive intensive phototherapy. This is because the current machines are expensive, involve congestion of babies under one device and rely on the current electric grid.


The photokabada comes to provide a solution to this challenge. The solution key features among other things include:

                  a) Stable Backup power source

                  b) Treats at least 3 babies simultaneously

                  c) Comprehensive monitoring - provide for remote monitoring

Key Competitive advantage of the new version device is that it provides comprehensive care for treatment of jaundice at a relatively lower cost (Both purchasing cost & treatment cost).

Current Design and New Version Design

This novel solution is anticipated to have the following impact:

          i)  Reduce treatment time by 40%;

         ii)  Have more that 100,000 newborn babies treated annually;         

        iii)  Avert over 20,000 complications that occur while treating neonatal jaundice and also;

        iv)  Provide direct employment opportunities to over 20 people. 

This teams works under the mentorship of Dr. Johnes Obungoloch and Dr. Data Santorino.

For more details: