Origin Challenges

Equitable Water Sharing in a Community


Develop a solution that ensures fair and sustainable water distribution among all community members, particularly addressing the needs of downstream users affected by upstream water abstraction.


Equitable water sharing is crucial for community water management. With a significant reduction of water resources due to climate change while seeing significant population growth and rapid urbanization in the rural areas, hence increasing domestic water demand and industrial and agricultural uses. Water distribution is often not equitable despite the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) target 6.1, which aims to achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030. Leakages, pipe bursts, low intake, lack of water in the
system, and lack of optimal scheduling, among other issues, can cause upstream water abstraction. When upstream water abstraction impacts downstream availability, it becomes essential to ensure fair access to resources, promote sustainability, maintain economic stability, safeguard health and well-being, prevent conflicts, and adapt to climate change (SDG 13).Implementing equitable water-sharing practices is non-negotiable for creating a sustainable, healthy, and harmonious community.

How do you address the problem technically, and how do you sell this solution to the community?

Expected Outcomes

Develop automated flow regulation devices/valves that control the dispensation of water
at various points along the water pipe/channel stream. Implement AI algorithms to monitor the periodic/seasonal water usage behavior for purposes of controlling the dispensation
Implement a possible real-time automated communication system across valves for water usage monitoring and control.

Example of the challenge:

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